Flexible Packaging Landscape
- Total Japanese beauty and personal care packaging volume is expected to see - 0.6% CAGR decline through 2021.
- Flexible beauty and personal care packaging, however, is expected to remain essentially stagnant through 2021.
- Beauty and personal care packaging volume sales declined marginally in 2016 due to the declining Japanese population and the maturity of the beauty and personal care market in the country.
- Rising awareness of health and wellness and ethical consumerism influence packaging design in beauty and personal care, supporting growth in the use of recyclable packaging materials.
- 2016 sees packaging trends from packaged food moving into beauty and personal care due to the need to keep products fresher after being opened, driving innovation in other plastic bottles.
- The ageing of the Japanese population pushes manufacturers towards universal design packaging, including functional pack design and the use of large and tactile print and braille text on labels.
- With the Japanese population in decline, total packaging volume is also set to continue registering negative growth, with a marginally negative CAGR expected.
- However, there is a wide range of opportunities for players in the beauty and personal care industry to target senior consumers, with packaging innovation expected to increasingly cater to this consumer group, especially by targeting those with certain physical limitations.
- Refill packs are expected to see a particularly strong performance in beauty and personal care packaging over the forecast period. This is set to be thanks mainly to the eco-friendly features of these products and their generally lower prices.
- The shift towards more attractive limited edition packs is also expected to be a strong trend in beauty and personal care during the forecast period, given the popularity of these product types among foreign tourists visiting Japan as well as among domestic consumers.
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