- In Dog and Cat Food category, terms such as “organic”, “natural” and “biologically appropriate” are likely to become increasingly prominent on packaging labels and in advertising.
- The use of clear containers remained popular for beauty and personal care brands looking to emphasize the clarity or a specific product feature of products.
- Packaging innovation in home care is seen in squeezable PET bottles with three holes allowing customers to squeeze the bottle and smell the scent and including a dosing cap, often used in food products, but innovative in home care. Child-resistant packaging for detergent tablets or pods in laundry care and dishwashing also gained popularity.
- Unique and interesting packaging, often used by niche players to differentiate from major brands and provide incentives for trial and repeat purchases. Glass bottle packaging, which caters to nostalgia, is becoming an attraction among consumers who are collecting the bottles and buying lids as collectors’ items from the company website.
- There appears to be an increase in the use of marketing messages on sauce, dressings and condiments packaging to push Canadian origins as a key selling feature on product packaging. Also an effort communicate the latest trends in health and wellness such as using labels to highlight high-quality ingredients, food origin, and how the product is sourced and produced.
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