- A 4% total volume CAGR is expected in alcoholic drinks packaging over the forecast period to reach 4.3 billion units in 2021
- The use of metal beverage cans in alcoholic drinks will register upbeat growth. By 2021, total unit volume sales are projected to grow by an 11% CAGR to reach 506 million units.
- By 2020, it is predicted that 1-litre returnable glass bottles will account for almost three quarters of off-trade units sold.
- The outlook remains good for packaged water, with this product receiving a good lift from the continuous growth of home delivery other still water.
- Liquid cartons is expected to post a total unit volume CAGR of 3% in soft drinks packaging over the forecast period to reach 665 million units in 2021. The dynamism of liquid cartons is most visible in 100% juice, where it is projected to post a 10% total unit volume CAGR over the forecast period.
- Shaped liquid cartons, launched in 100% juice in 2014, are predicted to see an 18% total unit volume CAGR in this category over the forecast period. This projection is based on the pack type/size’s replacement of 1-litre brick liquid cartons and stronger competition to 3-litre HDPE bottles.
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