- In sauces, dressings and condiments, total packaging volume sales grew by 1% in 2016, driven in part by growth in thin wall plastic containers for pasta sauce, which are increasingly popular packaging formats for private label pasta sauces.
- In processed meat and seafood, volume sales stagnation in 2016 was due in large part to increasingly health conscious consumers’ declining demand for processed meat, particularly bacon and sausage. The most popular packaging type in 2016 was rigid plastic, led by thin wall plastic containers, which accounted for a 56% volume share.
- In processed fruit and vegetables, a 1% volume sales decline in 2016 was attributable to consumers’ increasing interest in cooking from scratch with fresh produce, which they perceive as healthier than processed fruit and vegetables. Flexible plastic, used predominantly for frozen products, accounted for a 32% of overall fruit and vegetable packaging volume sales.
- In confectionery, the 1% volume sales growth in 2016 was due in part to the premiumization of the category. Flexible packaging remained the most prevalent pack type in primary confectionery packaging in 2016 with a volume share of 88%. Flexible plastic accounted for a 58% volume share of total primary packaging, followed by flexible aluminium/plastic (13%) and folding cartons with 9%.
- In dairy, thin wall plastic containers accounted for a 52% volume share of dairy packaging in 2016. This pack type is mostly used in yoghurt but is also very common in butter and margarine, spreadable processed cheese and dairy desserts.
- In baby food, growth mainly stemmed from brick liquid cartons, which is the predominant packaging type for liquid milk formula.
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