• Key ingredients highlighted on labels to attract consumers: UK consumers are increasingly aware of a wide range of healthy and unhealthy ingredients and are becoming more likely to scrutinize ingredients lists as a result. Many are seeking more natural and organic options. Labels are thus key in attracting consumers across many areas from beauty and personal care to packaged food.  
  • Package designs and labelling encourage sharing: Manufacturers in products such as confectionary and savory snacks are increasingly embracing the sharing trend and are adjusting packaging design and labelling accordingly. Nestlé's Kit Kat Snap and Share was, for example, launched to encourage consumers to buy larger packs in order to share with either friends or family.
  • Flexible packaging offers transparency, cost benefits and lower environmental impact: Flexible packaging benefits from a number of factors in attracting both consumers and producers. Consumers in the UK remain highly price-sensitive as a result of ongoing economic uncertainty, while cost pressures from grocery retailers are increasing for players in fast-moving consumer goods. This is encouraging a focus on lower-cost packaging formats, which is in turn benefiting flexible packaging. Flexible packaging is also benefiting from a growing focus on environmental issues, being light in weight and easy to recycle.


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