2016 Total Packaging Market Size (million units):


2011-16 Total Packaging Historic CAGR:


2016-21 Total Packaging Forecast CAGR:


Packaging Industry2016 Market Size
(million units)
Beverages Packaging18,279
Food Packaging38,399
Beauty and Personal Care Packaging1,996
Dog and Cat Food Packaging643
Home Care Packaging2,357
Packaging Type2016 Market Size
(million units)
Rigid Plastic22,713
Flexible Packaging15,759
Paper-based Containers4,015
Liquid Cartons4,889
  • The total Spanish packaging industry, sized at over 61 bn units in 2016, is expected to see moderate growth.
  • Food and beverage packaging continues to dominate packaging, but dog and cat food packaging presents a strong niche growth opportunity.
  • Rigid plastic continues to lead in size, and flexible packaging ranks second.


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