• In sauces, growth will mainly come from stand-up pouches, which are forecast to post 18% volume sales growth to reach 36% of overall sales in 2021, due mainly to their convenience and affordability.
  • In processed meat and seafood, total volume CAGR is expected to be 3% through 2021, led by rigid plastic packaging, thin-wall plastic containers and other plastic trays.
  • In processed fruit and vegetables, unit prices for frozen processed fruit and vegetables are not projected to increased in coming years as quickly as they did in previous years. As a result, consumers will increasingly opt for frozen fruit and vegetables, which are typically in flexible plastic packaging.
  • In confectionery, 1% volume sales growth will be driven by increasing demand for confectionery as the Russian economy improves. Flexible plastic will remain the most popular packaging type as chocolate pouches and bags will remain the largest confectionery category. However, flexible plastic will lose a slight amount of volume share to aluminum foil as chocolate with toys becomes more popular.
  • In dairy, rigid plastic will continue to post volume sales growth to reach 16% of total packaging volume sales by the end of 2021. The volume sales share of glass jars is projected to more than double to reach 86 million units in 2021, driven by increasing demand for premium dairy products.
  • In baby food, forecast 1% CAGR through 2021 is expected to come from continuous growth of stand-up pouches which will account for 12% of total volume sales in 2021 (up from 4% in 2016).


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