- The growth of more affordable packaging solutions will be a visible and key trend over the forecast period. If economic fluctuations stabilize in the country, some revival of more sophisticated products such as laundry or dishwashing tablets may post better-than-anticipated results, however this will not significantly change the general mood on the market.
- As private label home care products increase in popularity, metal aerosol cans will grow volume share, as they are the key packaging format for private label air care. Additionally, metal aerosol can production facilities are located in Russia, which allows home care product manufacturers to better manipulate the consumer price for air care products.
- With some exceptions, manufacturers will opt for simpler, less expensive closures in coming years to keep prices low. However, some more expensive closures, such as child-resistant closures for toilet cleaners and trigger spray closures for window cleaners—have become entrenched in the market and will remain so in coming years despite their higher costs.
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