- Plastic pouches have strong potential in beauty and personal care packaging in Russia, with this pack type still underdeveloped but presenting an economical option for price-sensitive consumers with limited disposable income. In the forecast period, it is expected that beauty and personal care packaging in stand-up pouches will register a CAGR of 12% in total unit volume terms.
- Metal aerosol cans should continue to deliver a strong performance, driven by hair care and deodorants. As a result, beauty and personal care packaging in metal aerosol cans is expected to see a CAGR of 1% in total retail unit volume terms over the forecast period.
- The rapid growth of lotion pumps closures is expected to continue in the forecast period, especially for bath and shower products, liquid soap and facial make-up products. The closure is not only being adopted as a solution that is perceived as more hygienic by consumers, but also as a way of boosting a brand’s profile and shelf visibility.
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