- Large PET beer bottles are prohibited: As of 2017 beer can no longer be packaged in PET bottles larger than 1.5 liters. The aim of this regulation is to reduce the affordability of beer, and it is expected to increase demand for smaller PET bottles and draft beer. Overall, though, it may reduce total demand for PET beer bottles if the demand for draft beer surpasses that of beer in smaller PET bottles.
- Changes in food packaging labeling are expected: In 2016, the head of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Wellbeing (Rospotrebnadzor) proposed a “traffic light” color scale for food packaging in which healthy products would be marked green, intermediate ones yellow, and those high in sugar or salt red.
- Palm oil content must be noted on dairy product packaging: As of January 2017, all dairy products containing palm oil must be marked with a corresponding indication. According to the anticipated technical regulation, such food products will need to have clear inscriptions in bold letters stating that they contain palm oil. Fines for failing to do so are expected to be harsh.
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