- In sauces, Metal food cans remain the leading pack type in sauces, dressings and condiments with an overall retail unit volume share of 42%.
- In processed meat and seafood, the overall retail unit volume share of metal food cans declined by five percentage points over the review period to reach 43% in 2016, due in part to strong growth in demand for chilled and frozen products, which are typically offered in folding cartons and flexible or rigid plastic packs. Additionally, in shelf stable meat and seafood, metal food cans faced increasing competition from other pack types such as aluminum/plastic pouches, which offer greater convenience in terms of storage, handling and transportation.
- In processed fruit and vegetables, metal food cams dominated in 2016 with an overall retail unit volume share of 76%. Manufacturers prefer to use metal food cans due to their time- and cost-savings benefits, and consumers appreciate metal food cans’ ability to preserve food for long periods of time.
- In confectionery, flexible plastic remained the most popular pack type in confectionery in 2016 with an overall retail unit volume share of 51%. Flexible plastic is widely used in packaging for single portion and multipack presentations in sugar confectionery, gum, tablets and countlines. However, in 2016 total flexible plastic retail unit volume sales in confectionery packaging declined by 1%, due in part to falling demand for gum and sugar confectionery products, as well as the growing popularity of other pack types.
- In dairy, rigid plastic remained the leading material in dairy packaging in 2016 with an overall retail unit volume share of 52%. HDPE bottles accounted for 51% of rigid plastic retail unit volume sales. This was mainly due to their dominance in drinking yoghurt, though HDPE bottles were also widely used in fresh milk.
- In baby food, glass remained by far the most popular pack type in 2016 with an overall retail unit volume share of 63%. Although pouches and PET bottles are lighter than glass jars, most parents still prefer glass, which they perceive as a “cleaner” material that also allows them to see the product contents.
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