- In sauces, aluminum/plastic pouches will remain an important pack type over the forecast period. Companies will continue to use them alongside flexible aluminum/plastic packs in order to cater to price-sensitive buyers.
- Processed meat and seafood consumption will continue to be adversely affected by the health and wellness trend, which is encouraging many Filipinos to purchase more fresh foods. Most categories within processed meat and seafood packaging are expected to see retail volume sales growth slow over the forecast period. The only exception is frozen processed seafood packaging, where retail volume sales are expected to grow at a CAGR of 5%, due mainly to increasing demand for frozen processed seafood, which tends to be less processed than processed meat.
- In processed fruit and vegetables, thin wall plastic containers in shelf stable fruit will drive overall growth, as consumers increasingly opt for shelf-stable fruit bowls as healthy snack options.
- In confectionery, packaging volume sales growth is project to record a 4% CAGR through 2021, driven mainly by growth of other rigid containers as the Tic Tac brand continues to grow in popularity.
- In dairy, glass bottles are expected to see the strongest total volume CAGR of 7% through 2021, due primarily to increasing demand for soy milk.
- In baby food, forecast 2% CAGR through 2021 is expected to be led by metal tins in the powdered milk formula category.
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