• In sauces, dressings and condiments, sachets and single-serve packs are widely used, since many low-income consumers will only purchase products in quantities that are sufficient for their immediate needs. Small pack sizes also allow for brands to be sold in traditional grocery retailers outlets such as sari-sari stores.
  • In processed meat and seafood, metal food cans recorded 8% sales volume growth in 2016—the highest of any packaging type. As the dominant pack type in shelf stable meat, metal food cans benefit from the enduring popularity of product types such as corned beef, luncheon meat, meat loaf, Vienna sausage and carne norte (Asian corned beef) among Filipino consumers of all income levels.
  • In processed fruit and vegetables, Processed fruit and vegetables packaging retail volume sales grew by 4% in 2016. Volume growth was slightly faster than in 2015, despite the fact that processed fruit and vegetables consumption was adversely affected by the wide availability of fresh alternatives. The modest improvement in the packaging volume growth rate was partly due to the increasing popularity of various pack types and pack sizes used by key brands, including Dole.
  • In confectionery, overall packaging volume sales grew by 3% in 2016, led by other rigid containers, which posted 8% growth in 2016, driven primarily by the popularity of the Tic Tac brand.
  • In dairy, brick liquid cartons posted the highest volume sales growth in 2016 at 6%, due to the popularity of shelf-stable milk, which contributed to overall dairy packaging volume sales growth of 2%.
  • In baby food, growth mainly stemmed from metal tins of powdered milk formula, which grew by 3% in 2016.


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