- Over the forecast period more brands in several home care categories are expected to join the packaging reduction trend in the country. As disposable incomes continue to rise, consumers will want to distribute their spending power among different goods, so it is a wise move to enable them to choose to buy small pack sizes and allocate money for different expenses.
- The volume CAGR of primary flexible packaging is expected to stand at 4% over the forecast period. Liquid fabric softeners in stand-up pouches will contribute highly to the growth, posting a 9% CAGR as the popularity of pouches continues to rise among consumers who do not want to pay the extra costs of a rigid bottle.
- The volume CAGR of secondary flexible packaging will likewise reach 4% over the forecast period. Secondary packaging paper-based containers is projected to see a 3% CAGR over the forecast period, mainly due to floor polishes in folding cartons.
- Further opportunities in home care packaging in the Philippines lie in the addition of plastic screw closures to laundry care and dishwashing stand-up pouches, as well as the addition of small pack sizes to home insecticide, home disinfectant, and air freshener metal aerosol cans.
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