- In soft drinks, PET bottles is expected to continue to dominate sales and to lead growth with a total unit volume CAGR of 5%, driven by increasing demand for soft drinks in convenient packaging.
- In hot drinks, flexible packaging is expected to be the fastest growing format and post a retail unit volume CAGR of 8% over the forecast period, with flexible aluminum/plastic is expected to account for some 98% of the overall increase in hot drinks packaging sales expected by 2021. This packaging format has also penetrated sari-sari stores, the most significant retail channel in hot drinks, with this trend not expected to change over the forecast period.
- In alcoholic drinks, packaging volume sales are projected to post a 10% decline in 2017 but increase again by about 3% year-over-year during the 2018-2021 period. Driven by the popularity of eating out in the Philippines and the demand for draft beer, kegs volume sales are projected to post a 2% CAGR through 2021. However, glass bottles will still dominate the beer category.
- Wine will remain a niche category in the Philippines, and metal screw closures are expected to grow at the expense of corks through 2021.
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