• In sauces, dressings and condiments, flexible packaging remains a popular pack type in Japan with a 33% total retail unit volume share in 2016.
  • In processed meat and seafood, flexible packaging continued to dominate with an 89% share of total retail unit volume in 2016. Most flexible packaging in processed meat and seafood packaging is flexible plastic, which was widely available across product types in chilled and frozen form.
  • In processed fruit and vegetables, flexible packaging is the most popular packaging type in Japan with a 54% total retail unit volume share in 2016. The pack type posted 4% growth in 2016 due to the strong performance of frozen products.
  • In confectionery, flexible packaging continued to dominate, with 78% of total retail unit volume in 2016.
  • In dairy, rigid plastic remained most popular pack type with 49% of total retail unit volume in 2016, due to its frequent use for other dairy and yoghurt and sour milk products.
  • In baby food, flexible plastic remained the most popular pack type in Japan, due to its high presence across baby food categories, and accounted for 29% of total retail unit volume in 2016. Flexible plastic was most commonly used in other baby food, especially baby snack products in Japan.


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