- Complicated waste management system in Japan: Complicated waste management systems remain a challenge in Japan. While consumers are required to separate household waste, waste categories vary widely across different areas and can be complicated, being the responsibility of the local authorities. Even Tokyo's 23 wards feature different systems. Waste collection dates also vary for different waste categories, with some types collected weekly, some fortnightly, some monthly and some such as batteries being collected only once per year.
- Overall recycling rate stagnates: The most recent recycling rates available for MSW date from fiscal 2014. In this year, the ratio of recycled MSW reached 21%, with this being the same rate seen in fiscal 2013. In fiscal 2015, steel metal tins had the highest recycling rate of 93%, followed by aluminum metal tins at 90%. PET bottles also had a high recycling rate at 87% in the year, with this increasing by four percentage points from fiscal 2014. Glass packaging and liquid cartons recorded rates of 69% and 34% respectively in 2015. Returnable glass bottles are also increasing in popularity.
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