- Food with function claims: Food with Function Claims (FFC) is a new accreditation that came into force in April 2015. This accreditation covers food sold in Japan and making specific health claims, both processed and unprocessed, Packaged food was already seeing a good performance for Food for Specified Health Uses (FOSHU) products. However, obtaining FOSHU accreditation is time-consuming, difficult and expensive for manufacturers, as the process requires clinical trials to support health claims with scientific evidence.
- New food labelling standard: The new Food Labelling Standard came into force in April 2015, with this legislation aiming to make food labelling simpler and easier to understand. This law combines the former Food Sanitation Act, the Japanese Agricultural Standard Law and the Health Promotion Act. The new law regulates food sold in Japan by setting new standards for labelling. Prior to April 2015, food labelling was often very complicated as the three previous regulations were applied according to different food types, which contained different classifications for the same product.
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