- In home care, small pack sizes are benefiting from product formulations becoming increasingly concentrated, while bulk packs are seeing good growth due to the popularity of refill packs. These trends are being partly driven by environmental concerns, while refill packs also benefit from offering low unit prices and appeal to increasingly price-sensitive consumers.
- Consumers are increasingly seeking more ethical lifestyles in Japan, with this impacting consumer purchasing trends and nearly all aspects of life, including eating, housing and clothing. The ethical living impact is having a significant impact on beauty and personal care, with a good performance for natural and organic products. Consumer demand for more natural and environmentally friendly products is in turn proving a major driver for innovation in beauty and personal care packaging.
- Sustainable packaging is a strong trend in soft drinks, benefiting from a growing focus on environmental issues among Japanese consumers and rising concern over the impact of discarded soft drinks packaging. PET bottles are benefiting from this trend, not only due to being light in weight and recyclable but also from the widening use of recycled PET.
- Population ageing is impacting alcoholic drinks and packaging in a number of ways. Older consumers often cut back on their overall consumption of alcoholic drinks, which is impacting overall sales. They also often prefer drinking at home rather than socialising in the on-trade with colleagues or friends, with population ageing contributing to the strong cocooning trend seen during the review period.
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