- Dairy packaging is set to register a total retail volume CAGR of 7% over the forecast period to reach 8.1 billion units in 2021.
- Sauces, dressings, and condiments packaging is set to register a total retail volume CAGR of 6% over the forecast period to reach 14.3 billion units in 2021
- As lifestyles continue to become busier, consumers are expected to turn to packaged sauces, dressing and condiments for the convenience that they offer.
- Processed meat and seafood packaging is set to register a total retail volume CAGR of 6% over the forecast period to reach 1.3 billion units in 2021
- The limited presence of chilled processed seafood presents opportunities for new players to enter and consolidate their positions over the forecast period and forge a clear direction. As a result, typical packaging types for chilled processed seafood such as flexible plastic (secondary packaging or primary packaging) and folding cartons (primary packaging for greater shelf visibility) may be positively impacted in the long term.
- Confectionery packaging is set to register a total retail volume CAGR of 3% over the forecast period to reach 10.8 billion units in 2021
- Attractive and convenient packaging design remains important for both chocolate and sugar confectionery products and plays a major role in the purchasing decision of consumers.
- Processed fruit and vegetable packaging should register total retail volume CAGR of 3% in 2021. Single-person households are set to grow, which will drive growth as they prefer the convenience of longer shelf lives as compared to fresh perishables.
- Growth is expected to remain positive and relatively healthy as consumers are expected to turn to processed food items for added convenience in light of urbanization and busier lifestyles. However, processed fruit and vegetables will continue to face stiff competition from fresh produce, as consumers grow more health conscious over the forecast period.
- Baby food is expected to register a total retail volume CAGR of 3% over the forecast. Modern lifestyles, rising awareness of the nutritional needs of babies, and an increase working mothers are expected to boost sales of baby food products and packaging over the forecast period.
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