- Total volume sales of alcoholic drinks packaging to record a CAGR of 1% to reach eight billion units in2021 due to the ongoing success of beer, which will see a total volume unit CAGR of 2%.
- Soft drinks packaging set to achieve volume growth of 2% per year on average over forecast period to reach 19.2 billion units in 2021
- Overall total unit volume sees 2% CAGR to reach 2.3 billion units in 2021
- Pod machine systems is likely to be enhanced, with tea particularly popular, as manufacturers reinvent around green, natural, or organic teas, part of a healthy diet.
- Fresh ground coffee pods represent the main contributor to coffee volume growth, is not expected to change over the forecast period, with a 4% volume CAGR expected over 2016-2021.
- Hot drinks packaging bows to ecological awareness. Consequently, plastic stand-up pouches will be the most successful format, achieving 6% primary retail filled volume CAGR over 2016-2021.
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