- France introduces BPA ban French legislation bans BPA in metal tins and beverage cans in 2015. Alternatives such as acrylic, organosol or polyester lacquer and vinyl were not yet widely used as BPA transitions out.
- Ban on single-use plastic bags The government banned all single-use plastic bags less than 50 microns thick, including biodegradable bags. Plastic bags at least 50 microns in thickness and reusable, for wrapping loose food, disposable bags made of non-plastic material, and plastic bags that are 100% bio-sourced remain legal. It is likely that forecast period legislation will make it mandatory to use biodegradable materials in plastic packaging.
- French authorities perform checks on biocidal products With a focus on fast-moving consumer goods like home insecticides and disinfectants, French authorities checked 600 companies, 28% of whom did not fully conform. The presence of banned active substances and inaccurate or missing labelling, and products that did not meet efficiency tests were most common reasons for failures. Authorities are likely to conduct further checks and renew controls in 2017-2018.
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