- Over the forecast period, total alcoholic drinks packaging is predicted to see a CAGR of 4%.
- With beer as the most relevant, individual sizes will dominate.
- In beer, larger and smaller glass bottles will grow, yet glass bottles in soft drinks are expected to register negative growth, influenced by a drop in carbonates. The trend may be reverted due to demand for returnable bottles, in carbonates, juice and RTD tea.
- Spirit-based RTDs and beer, will be key drivers for metal beverage cans.
- Brick liquid cartons predict a decline in alcoholic drinks over the forecast period, yet will outperform soft drinks as a whole with a CAGR of 5% driven largely by juice boxes.
- Soft drinks packaging expects total volume CAGR of 3% to reach 12.7 billion units in 2021
- Rigid plastic is expected to a 4% CAGR accounting for a 48% share of soft drinks while PET bottles across all soft drinks categories will continue expanding.
- Hot drinks packaging is expected to register a CAGR of 3% to reach 1.1 billion units in 2021
- Paper-based containers are set to record total CAGR of 6%, underpinned by demand for tea.
- Coffee pods in other metal, though the smallest category, will see the strongest CAGR of 32%.
- The strong growth in instant coffee will continue to drive glass jars to a CAGR of 6%.
- Flexible packaging is expected to register a total unit volume CAGR of 3.
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