- Ingredients safety keeps regulators working: In 2016, the Independent Cosmetic Manufacturers and Distributors (ICMAD) pressured lawmakers to pass legislation that would create uniform safety standards for cosmetics, and aims to modernize FDA regulations and create a national standard that ensures consumer safety.
- New legislation gives federal agency expanded powers: New legislation requires the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to confirm the safety of any new chemical before it can be brought to market. The law will likely have its most far-reaching impact on the chemical content of home care products, but could also affect the chemical content of packaging, especially packaging formats that incorporate plastic.
- Laundry pod manufacturers attempt to self-regulate: The federal Consumer Product Safety Commission and representatives of the home care industry worked together to craft the first safety standards for laundry pod packaging. The new (voluntary) standards call for laundry pod containers to be opaque so children cannot see the pods inside, and for closures to be more difficult for children to open.
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