- In sauces, primary packaging growth rates of oyster sauces and soy sauces are expected to be the highest performers with respective CAGRs of 14% and 10% over the forecast period, as Italians increasingly favour international cuisine, as well as due to the increase of the immigrant population in Italy.
- In processed meat and seafood, primary total packaging for meat substitutes is expected to continue to perform well over the forecast period and record an 18% retail volume CAGR, as Italian consumers become interested in increasing their intake of non-animal proteins.
- In processed fruit and vegetables, packaging volume growth will be driven in large part by Italian consumers’ increasing demand for healthy foods and increasingly willingness to try new recipes at home. Sustainability will remain important through 2021, with consumers increasingly opting for packaging that is made of recycled materials or that is easily recycled.
- In confectionery, packaging sales volume is projected to continue to decline through 2021, and pack sizes are expected to continue to become smaller as confectionery consumption declines.
- In dairy, primary packaging of milk alternatives is predicted to continue perform well over the forecast period with a 12% retail volume CAGR, as Italians will look for alternatives to cow’s milk.
- In baby food, packaging volume sales are projected to stagnate along with the birth rate in Italy. In addition, processed baby food will face increased competition from fresh food, as Italian parents are increasingly selecting healthy and natural ingredients for their children.
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