- In sauces, dressings and condiments, primary packaging of oyster sauces and soy sauces perform well due to increasing interest in different cuisines and Italians’ willingness to experiment with new recipes at home. At the same time, the increase in the number of immigrants in Italy favours the consumption of these products
- In processed meat and seafood, smaller pack sizes gained popularity in 2016 as Italian consumers increasingly looked for opportunities to save money and reduce waste.
- In processed fruit and vegetables, smaller and single-serve packaging is becoming increasingly important, as consumers are able to eat these products on the go, while at the same time limiting waste and keeping products fresh in small quantities.
- In confectionery, smaller pack sizes and multipacks of single-serve packaged items are becoming more popular as overall demand for confectionery decreases in light of the health and wellness trend.
- In dairy, packaging of milk alternatives performed well in 2016, with 16% retail volume growth, as Italian consumers increasingly prefer to choose products that are expected to provide benefits to their health or reduce intolerances
- In baby food, overall packaging volume declined in 2016, but liquid milk formula packaging volume grew as Italian consumers increasingly view liquid milk formula as convenient and easy to use.
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