- New regulation for food packaging: 2016 saw the Italian Government approve a new legislative decree on the sanctions to be applied in case of violation of the laws on materials and objects in contact with food. The decree introduces important measures to increase food safety and the efficiency of official controls. For example, food packaging producers must inform the health authority about their production plants. In addition, new sanctions have been determined in case of violation of the obligations with respect to labelling and traceability of materials and objects in contact with food.
- Clear food labels required: In order to protect consumers, the labels of food products need to be increasingly clear, providing more information such as expiry date, type of vegetable oils/fats used, total proportion of water, the origins of the product and the presence of allergens, as well as adhering to the standards and norms relating to the readability and size of the text of labels.
- Stricter rules for laundry capsules: In order to protect children from poisoning by laundry capsules, the European Commission and the governments of its Member States agreed in December 2014 to urgently introduce new, stronger safety measures for liquid detergents in soluble packaging. All manufactures must ensure that the soluble packaging of capsules available in the EU contains an aversive agent, which makes children spit the capsule out within six seconds, in case they put it in their mouths.
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