- Craft beer and artisanal spirits are becoming more popular and the packaging used for these products is often designed to denote higher quality and innovation. In addition, packaging is increasingly being used to tell the brand story in an effort to create higher levels of interest and build consumer loyalty.
- Despite the gradual improvement of the economy, many Italians remain cautious and price-sensitive when shopping for beauty and personal care products, focusing on obtaining the best value for money possible and constantly on the lookout for lower-priced products and, in particular, larger pack sizes.
- Sustainability is becoming increasingly important within food packaging and this means that the leading players in the market are investing in innovation to respond to emerging consumer for products with more sustainable packaging.
- Another industry in which the environmental concerns of consumers are coming to the fore is home care, where manufacturers are meeting rising interest in sustainability by adapting their packaging to make it smaller, lighter and less likely to contribute to household waste.
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