• Alcoholic drinks packaging as a whole is forecast to grow by 1% to reach 7.4 billion units in 2021.
  • Glass packaging projected to drop to CAGR of 2%, when it will account for 57% of total alcoholic drinks packaging. Metal is forecast to grow 4% annually by 2021, accounting for 41% of total.  
  • Liquid cartons expected to trend upwards, a CAGR of 2% in small-sized wine but are projected to shrink at a CAGR of -2% representing 6% of total unit volume in retail for juice packaging, RTD tea and water.
  • Total soft drinks packaging expected to see a CAGR of 2%, including small size carbonates, bottled water, RTD tea, and energy drinks.  
  • Rigid plastic packaging expected to see a CAGR of 3%, representing 44% of total unit volume in retail. Metal packaging will expand by a CAGR of 1%.   
  • In terms of closures, innovative designs that offer more convenience, allow more customisation and greater functionality will be the focus in soft drinks.


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