• A 2% retail volume CAGR is expected in dairy primary packaging over the forecast period to reach 6.5 billion units by 2021.
  • Dairy primary packaging is predicted to see 1% retail volume CAGR.
  • Rigid plastic is set to post 2% retail volume CAGR. Liquid cartons and flexible packaging are estimated to see 1% retail volume CAGR.
  • In yogurt, the growing presence of plastic pouches, which will be used to reduce packaging. Stand-up pouch format is also being widely adopted by a growing number of brands in baby food, particularly organic baby food, which is enjoying rapid uptake and saw a significant reshuffle in terms of brand line-up during the review period.
  • Total sauce, dressings and condiments is projected to grow by 1% retail volume CAGR with lightweight packaging expected to outpace other packaging over the forecast period.
  • Total processed meat and seafood packaging (primary and secondary) is set to see a negative 2% retail volume CAGR over the forecast period to reach 1.3 billion units by 2021
  • Total processed meat and seafood packaging is expected to see negative 2% retail volume CAGR
  • Total confectionery packaging to see1% retail volume CAGR over the forecast period.
  • At constant 2016 prices, retail value sales of confectionery are expected to grow faster than retail volume sales over the forecast period.
  • Total baby food packaging is set to grow by 1% CAGR over the forecast period.


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