Flexible Packaging Landscape

  • Total Spanish beauty and personal care packaging volume is expected to see limited 1.0% CAGR growth through 2021.
  • Flexible beauty and personal care packaging is expected to see slightly lower 0.9% CAGR growth through 2021.


  • Beauty and personal care packaging volume sales grew by 1% in 2016, led by glass, which posted volume growth of over 3 due to the outstanding results of premium fragrances during the year.
  • Spanish consumers are increasingly environmentally conscious, and eco-friendly packaging for beauty and personal care products has become more popular in recent years. Packaging incorporating wood and cotton has been a notable trend in the fragrances space.
  • Metal aerosol cans, which are easy to use and recycle, have also become more popular. Due to the success of metal aerosol cans in the sun care category, they are now being used more frequently in other categories, including shower gel.


  • Glass is projected to be the fastest-growing packaging type through 2021, driven by increasing fragrances sales.
  • Stand-up pouches are projected to post sales volume growth through 2021 as more beauty and personal care brands launch refill packs, as L’Occitane and Timotei already have.
  • As the Spanish economy continues to improve, consumers will increasingly demand premium products, which will lead manufacturers to choose higher-cost innovative packaging options to differentiate their products.


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